How does moving make you happy?

Research shows that if you want to feel better, have more energy and even add years to your life, then you just need need to exercise. And you’ve probably heard that exercise increases endorphins, which, along with other chemicals in your brain, makes you feel happy.

“When you exercise, it increases endorphins, dopamine, adrenaline and endocannabinoid — these are all brain chemicals associated with feeling happy, feeling confident, feeling capable, feeling less anxiety and stress and even less physical pain” Dr. Kelly McGonigal.

The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are hard to ignore – in fact everyone benefits from exercise, regardless of age, sex or physical ability. Physical activity can also help you connect with family or friends in a fun social setting

If you also find something you love and that you want to do regularly, you’ll be on the path to finding happiness and are likely to enjoy a less stressful life.  

Choosing Professional Fitness Coaching with Salty Sea Panda

At Salty Sea Panda, we advocate moving for health and happiness, what ever you enjoy doing – swimming, running, skateboarding, climbing trees…you name it, we love knowing you’ll get that endorphin rush that can improve how you feel! By doing what you’re most passionate about, you are more likely to use your strengths and find a sense of flow. Activities done purely for fun are associated with increased happiness.

If you have specific fitness goals in mind, to be successful, you will need to build a more tailored plan on how to get there. The secret is finding an activity that you find fun that you might stick with, and if you read on, maybe you’ll find something that suits! 

We specialise in delivering Fitness Coaching across Strength, Conditioning, Mobility and Flexibility with a focus on body-weight techniques and skill-based practices.  Skill-based fitness is important to us because, like many, if we’re not learning anything new and/or progressing physically, then we get bored and lose interest. It’s much more rewarding mentally too. 

So we chose to get professionally trained in Animal Flow, Yoga Science of Stretching, Callisthenics and Strength Conditioning. We run stand alone classes on all, plus we can combine a mixture of these techniques to deliver Personal Training on a one-to-one basis.  Please check out the specific sections on this site which explain a little more on each – or contact us and we’ll happily elaborate.

Our sessions support all sports training –  such as Boxing , Fighting (MMA, Krav Maga BJJ etc.), CrossFit, Running, Triathlon… Plus we can help combat posture and mobility issues for anyone who has to sit for hours in one position such as Pilots, Emergency Drivers, and let’s face it, most desk jobs!

Whether you are new to fitness or familiar with these practices, if you have any questions, please just get in touch and we’d be delighted to have a chat. a

While cardiovascular exercise is important for weight loss and overall health, strength training is necessary to alter body composition (i.e. lose fat). 
Body-weight strength training will build the strength of your muscles and connective tissues, increase bone density, cut your risk of injury, slow the muscle loss that comes with age and help ease arthritis pain. 
Mobility helps our bodies function optimally – it benefits our everyday movements, helps correct our muscular imbalances, betters our posture, helps prevent injuries (especially overuse injuries), allows us to move more efficiently, and gives us a better range of motion during our workouts. Essentially, mobility is an ongoing, preventative maintenance for your entire body.
Stability is more about being grounded and strong throughout a movement, and balance is important as this is for you to sense where your body is in space.

Laughing at yourself can make you feel happy!

Moving outdoors gives one of the best buzzes!


I must say Paula is already a great being! To add to that she is absolutely a great coach/teacher for this Animal Flow style of movement! It's a moving flow of yoga! A great workout! Connecting your mind, body, and all the goods!
If you haven't heard of it, I suggest you check it out! The mobility & flexibility after one session is beyond what you would think! Be ready to flex & sweat! I'm a basketball player plus used to box, so this was so different yet so satisfying! Transition is key! It's a VIBE! PAULA'S GOT IT! I LOVE IT!

Tara West, Musician & Artist, USA


Panda's amazing, positive disposition has helped me massively with my shoulder mobility - I can’t thank her enough for her kind nature, boundless energy, and strategic stretching that now means I can actually complete movements in Crossfit that were alien to my body before.

Stuart Gonsalves, 4th Dan Black Belt Kyokushinkai and CrossFitter


I was very lucky to have had the pleasure of attending an Animal Flow class run by Paula. As well as the class being very enjoyable and fun, Paula was very knowledgeable and friendly. She not only verbally instructed us but also visibly executed each motion, which helps with the way I learn. I found the Flows extremely helpful to create more control in my movements and, as a result of this I have incorporated this into my daily workout.

Delphine Craig, Self Defence Coach 7Primal Krav Maga


Running is very important to me and am proud to have taken part in six marathons plus events such as The Great South Run and The Grizzly to name a few. But like many runners, I suffer from painful knees, a few too many aches and very stiff hamstrings. Paula helped fix all that! She skillfully coached me through a series of specific practices which I continue to use each day and I feel so much better. Her passion is infectious and we had such fun too.

Rew Dinkelé, UK Athletics, U13 Coach Andover Athletic Club


When I was about 40 years, I ran 10k - that was a major distance for me! Now at 79, I like to keep my cardio up with 5k (once a week if I can). Ian and Paula are fantastic at encouraging me to put on my trainers, and often run with me round our local park - I always feel great when I finish - thank you.

Jenny Cooper, aged 79!


Paula Panda’s enthusiasm for all things fitness is infectious and she’ll have you doing things you never knew you could in no time at all – would highly recommend!

Zoe Holmes, Runner


Working with Paula was incredible - she knows how to squeeze the best out of me! I think Animal Flow is a great stand alone class, but I also see the huge cross over benefits for improving my performance when I’m boxing, running and in the gym.  I’ve tried Animal Flow with other instructors, but could never get into it. Paula is by far the best! 

Jordan Turner, PT, Breathwork Coach and Boxer


I am inherently physically lazy! But Paula consistently encourages me to 'move more' and this has been paramount to me changing my attitude; her excellent teaching style & sunny nature has motivated me to be more accountable for my own well-being. I have increased my open water swimming sessions to now saying YES to attempt a Channel Relay Swim! Animal Flow not only helps build up my core, my shoulder strength and fitness gains, but I'm always buoyed up when I have finished one of Paula's sessions - she's a happy force to be reckoned with ha ha.

Claire Atkins, Wild Swimmer & Tennis Lover

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Every moment is a new moment...
so why not start right now!

This class is suitable for anyone who has tried Primal or Animal Flow practices before, Flowists wishing to work on key technique points of all moves, and for Athletes who want to work on training and conditioning skills across all bio-motor abilities that are required for improving their sport. I focus in particular on running, swimming, boxing, CrossFit and combat sports.

In this 1 hour class, you’ll learn a combination of form specific stretching, dynamic multi planar moves, mobility work and HIIT – all building to different flows.

I will use a variety of drills and skills to develop and improve strength and performance. And of course, we will learn multiple Flows along the way.

£8.00 for hour session 
First trial session FREE with code pandafree
Tuesday 07.30 am-08.30 am GMT

Personal Training (1:1) Mobility & Strength Conditioning with Panda ON ZOOM

Sessions typically combine YogaBody’s ‘Science of Stretching™’ approach to FLEXIBILITY training, with body-weight STRENGTH training practices. 

This unique style of training will help increase your range of motion, help correct muscular imbalances, improve your strength and mobility of your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. All great for improving your health, well-being and supporting other specific fitness training.

Each session will be tailored to your own goals and physical capabilities.

£45 per hour. £250 for Six Block-Booked Sessions

Personal Training (1:1) Beginners Callisthenics & Strength Coaching with Ian

Fundamental to all Callisthenics is a strong core which allows  you to undertake learning advanced skills like Muscle-Ups, Human Flag, Front or Reverse Levers, Planche, L or V sits etc. 

Expect to learn and use compound body weight exercises such as Press-ups, Chin-ups and Squats, with some gymnastic moves in the form of a ‘Street Workout’ using minimal equipment.  

Each session will be tailored to your own goals and physical capabilities.

Hy-Cal Calisthenics
£45 per hour.
£250 for Six Block-Booked Sessions Outdoors in Dover, Deal, Folkestone (Kent)

2 person GROUP Beginners Callisthenics Coaching with Ian

Fundamental to all Callisthenics is a strong core which allows  you to undertake advanced skills like Muscle-Ups, Human Flag, Front or Reverse Levers, Planche, L or V sits etc. 

Expect to learn and use compound body weight exercises such as Press-ups, Chin-ups and Squats, with some gymnastic moves in the form of a ‘Street Workout’ using minimal equipment. 

Enjoy working in a small group, learning together and building skills to take a way to practice with your mates!

Hy-Cal Calisthenics
£75 per hour FOR GROUP
£425 for Six Block-Booked Sessions FOR GROUP
Outdoors in Dover, Deal, Folkestone, Hythe (Kent)

Meet your Fitness Coaches

We’re here to help make your exercise fun, motivating, engaging and transformative.  Our aim is to help people build confidence, feel empowered, be healthy and happy.

Animal Flow & Yogabody Coach, ETM Instructor
Panda Lain
Panda's teaching style combines her professional skills with knowledge and experience gained from her own 40+years of training across disciplines such as Weightlifting, CrossFit, Ballet and Yoga. She loves to 'mash it up' so no 2 sessions are ever the same!
Callisthenics Coach & Strength PT
Ian Lain
Ian's love of Natural Bodybuilding & interest in Health and Nutrition started back in 1986, leading to him becoming a PT. His passion for Callisthenics, Boxing and Krav Maga delivers a coaching style that is exciting and dynamic. Oh, and yes he likes to dig holes and build stuff!

Let's choose happiness

What does your Fitness Journey look like?

Whether you’re starting something new, re-kindling your love for exercise or already training, our sessions will support your goals.

If you want to have a chat, please just drop us a line!